
Bonjour !

Préparez vos vacances d'été 2024. Séjour rando-âne tout compris en hébergement pension complète ou rando-âne liberté en formule camping ou hébergement ? Vous trouverez les infos et fiches techniques sur ce site.

Si vous voyagez en transport en commun (train), la ferme est toute proche de la gare SNCF de Luzenac-Garanou. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour vous aider à organiser votre séjour et vos transports.

Bonne visite !

How to load a donkey

Laurence and  Pivoine show you how to put a packsaddle on a donkey back.

Step 1: Place the cover
The felt protects the back of the animal against injuries done by contact of the wood against the skin.
Therefore, it is important that it does not bend, and it covers the entire surface of the pack-saddle.

Step 2: Place the packsaddle
The packsaddle must be placed instead on the front of the back.
Beware, it mustn't come up against the withers

Step 3: Tighten the straps 
Finally, pass the strap and tighten. The front strap must be tight to hold the packsaddle.
Instead, the back strap, which only hold the load in the rugged trails, must not compress the donkey and hinder breathing.

Step 4: Load bags 
Beware, the first day, weight control! You load a large bag on each side.
Both must have exactly the same weight, about 20 kilos each one 

Step 5: Do not forget that it's heavy!
When grazing beside the road, we keep our bags

But when you take a break, we also ...

 LA FERME AUX ÄNES Laurence HUEZ, David HUEZ, Laurence ROUSSEAU    09250 UNAC     Ariège Pyrénées    tel : 06 85 34 20 22